My sister collects pink Depression Glass and because of this I own a few pieces myself. One might ask; What is Depression Glass? I didn't have a clue either until my sister started this new hobby. Depression glass was given away during the Depression. In the 1920's and 30's someone could get a dish for free when they went to a service station for fuel or attended a movie at the theatre. They were an incentive to get people to come to their establishments. These dishes were also placed in boxes of Quaker Oatmeal. They were free at the time but of course today they are worth quite a lot more. You can find these dishes in Antique Stores or on Ebay. There are entire books devoted to these collectibles and their prices and availability. Now that I have explained that important trivia I will get to the point of this blog.
My sister, who has become a surrogate mother to me since mine passed away 20 years ago, is also the grandmother figure in my children's lives. She has made them beautiful quilts when they marry or have children. She calls them on birthdays and we always spend a week with her at her cabin each summer. If I need any advice she is the first person I call. She is the epitome of goodness and mercy. Not only has she adopted my family, she has also about raised her ex- husbands children from his next marriage when that woman, whom he left my sister for, became non existent in her children's lives. The example of casting your bread upon the water and having it return to you in greater proportions describes her life. She gives and gives when it doesn't even begin to make sense where the means are to keep giving.

Unfortunately about two and a half years ago she was diagnosed with cancer. After several rounds of Chemo and extensive surgery, she is right now cancer free. The chemo and surgeries and mental anguish have taken its toll on her. She has lost so much of her energy and enthusiasm but she is trying daily to rebuild her life. Last week when I went to visit her she gave me two pieces of beautiful pink depression glass, a cake plate and a serving bowl. As she gave them to me she told me that they were to thank me for taking care of her during her cancer. I really didn't do anything except try to be a support as I visited her each week. Once again it made me realize I needed to be thanking her, not only for the dishes but for the incredible example of selfless service that she has always been to me. How grateful I am that the Lord has placed this wonderful woman in my life. I want to thank all women for the countless hours that they spend serving others.
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