Sunday, March 25, 2012

Perfectionism--Its a Sickness

I'm not talking the spiritual "Be ye therefore perfect" I'm talking the worldly I have to do everything right perfectionism.  I read the cutest fun laugh out loud novel last week which was exactly what I needed to relax from everything else going on in my life.  The book was about family life and the problems that stems from having a perfectionist mother which drives her children crazy, literally at times.  I enjoyed every moment of the book, but when I finished I realized---I was that mother.  Sick Sick Sick  I knew I was a perfectionist when I was younger.  Example:  I quit nursing school because I got my one and only "C" in my life which was in clinical's not an academic class, but if I wasn't good enough to get better than a
"C" I shouldn't be a nurse, and it didn't matter that it climbed to an "A" the next semester.  The damage was done.
But I thought I had been cured of perfectionism even though all my children tell me differently.  I certainly don't keep a spotless house, but mainly because I feel a clean house is a sign of a boring life because you would have to be cleaning it constantly with 5 children, 2 dogs, and a cat.  I have much better things to do with my life.
I did realize as I was pondering this that I might still have a problem because when I play those BOGGLE type game aps on your phone I can't quit playing them.  Not because I'm having fun it is because I can't believe I missed those stupid words and I know I can get them all next time. I know it is sick.
  I have been accused of perfectionism in my sewing, cooking, entertaining, cleaning when I do it, and I guess my expectations for my children.  I believe and still do that if you have high expectations for people that they will rise to that level.  I guess the problem comes when they don't have the same desires as you do or when they feel, whether intended or not, you are disappointed in them.  For that I do apologize to my children.  I love them all, and I am so proud of each of them.
When my oldest son graduated from USU and had been accepted into every Vet School he had applied to he wrote me the kindest note saying "Thank you for not letting me be mediocre."  That was my intended purpose of pushing my children.  I wanted them to know they were not mediocre.  They are not, They are superb.  WE all are because we are all children of a Heavenly Father.  We are Princes and Princesses because He is the Father of our spirits, and He is a King.  He doesn't was us to act mediocre just like I didn't want my children to act mediocre.  I accept mistakes in my children, I need to be more willing to accept mistakes in myself, just as He accepts our mistakes.  We just need to be better tomorrow than we are today.  Not perfect, but improving each day as we bring our lives closer to what He has in mind for us.   Hopefully I will spend more time on "Be Ye Therefore Perfect" in the spiritual sense and not as much time on finding all of the words in Quordy.

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